Friday, 24 February 2017

Contents Page Progress

The left hand picture is a draft I had made. Before this I had all of my text aligned in the middle with pictures scattered around the sides. After looking at my research, I found that the text is usually separated into clear sections with clearly visible divisions and categories. I think the first draft I made is good, but I thought that I could do better and make it so that the text was in two separate columns. So I made the right hand picture. I think the right hand picture turned out better than the first draft. There are clearly two separated sections with a good spread of pictures throughout the contents page. Also, I changed the text colour to make the text stand out from the background, but I will try and keep the same colour scheme throughout the cover, contents page and double page spread. Finally, for the page numbers, I wanted to have the letter P (short for page number) larger than the page number. Then I needed to get the sizes right to make them fit neatly on the page.

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