Advertisements are extremely important to magazines as it is the main way they earn money. Magazines wouldn't survive without advertising. Companies and brands can advertise their products in magazines and depending on how big the advertisement is and where in the magazine the advert is placed, advertisement will cost more. For example, a large double page advert placed in the middle of the magazine will cost more than a smaller advert featured on one page placed randomly in the magazine. Also, advertisements cost more in magazines with a high circulation and possibly readership. Different companies have different target audiences and would want to advertise in a magazine that reaches and appeals to their target audience. So, adverts need to suit and appeal to their magazines specific target audience.
Another way that magazines can keep up to date and another way of making money is by moving online combining magazine advertising with online advertising or requiring customers to have a subscription. This can also increase sales or make other companies want to advertise in the magazine as a different audience will be reached and more people may see and subscribe to the magazine. Continuing, moving online is more convenient for customers and can be more accessible by younger people, for example, as younger people spend more time online than older people. Finally, some magazines offer a mobile app version of their magazine so that it can be easily read from a mobile device.
Commercial Media Structural Triangle
There are 3 factors that form the basis of the business model for producers.
Circulation - the number of copies it distributes on an average day.
Advertisers - Most commercial media producers rely on advertising revenue as a large part of their profit.
Readership - Readership is an estimate of how many readers a magazine has.
This is a Prezi I have made about different rate cards, what companies would want to advertise in my magazine and my magazine's rate card.
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