Tuesday 18 October 2016

School Magazine Pictures Planning

The following pictures are pictures that I won't be using for my final magazine cover:

 I won't be using this picture because it looks as if my arm and hand is in an unnatural position. I want the picture to look natural.
 I also won't be using this picture. I decided not to use this picture because of the poor lighting. The poor lighting makes the photo look dark, where I would like the picture to be bright.
Continuing, I also decided not to use this picture I look to serious and slightly angry. The main topic is GCSE results and I want to focus on the positive aspects. Therefore, I should look happy and proud in the picture.
Finally, I decided not to use this picture of the sixth form building since the sky is too bright and there is no detail. I took a better picture of the sixth form building that I may use instead.

However, these pictures are the ones that I decided I might use in the final cover of the school magazine:

 Firstly, I decided that these three pictures may
be possible photographs I might use because I look happy and I want the emphasis to be on the positive aspects of this years GCSE results. The lighting is also as good as I could get it in these pictures. I decided to use my GCSE results sheet and my school uniform as props. I did this because the GCSE results sheet is about the section of the magazine and the school uniform was used as it is school related and me look like a smart and punctual student who has just achieved good GCSE grades. personally, I feel like I will use the one on the right as there is just a plain background and it shows me as being happier than the other two pictures.

This is an edited version of the picture I will use as the main cover image. I didn't like the shadow behind me and decided to use Serif Photo Plus to cut out the main image from the background behind me.

I have also decided that this may be a picture I might use for a sixth form related article or section of the magazine cover. I chose this image because the background sky looks nice and has good detail. additionally, the picture has the whole of the front of the sixth form building.

Finally, I will use these pictures because since it is a school magazine, I wanted to show hard work and also, one of the main articles of the magazine is the outstanding GCSE results St Greg's students achieved. I thought that these two pictures show hard work and complement that article.

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